Lost Ark

Heathen Horde’s new chapter begins on NA-East [Regulus]

 Our goals

The hype is real, but so is the risk of burnout. Our goal is not to rush content, but to focus on sustainable and fun progression towards endgame achievements. We will focus on the long-term: building an active community of like-minded raiders who want to have fun.

 The details

  • <Heathenhorde> is on NA-East Regulus.

    Members of other NA-East servers are welcome to join our Discord and partake in our region-wide activities.

  • We maintain a main guild <Heathenhorde> and operate satellite guilds for alts and less active players. An activity policy is enforced for the main guild in order to level the guild as fast as possible to raise the character cap. As the main guild level increases and the character cap gets raised, we will funnel members’ main characters into <Heathenhorde>. To allow groups to span across the guilds, we use Discord as our primary chat and matchmaking platform.

  • Join our Discord: discord.gg/HeathenHorde

    Next, opt in the Lost Ark by reacting to the appropriate message in #opt-in-ranks.

    Lastly, post a message in #in-game-invites with your character name. You’ll then be granted access to the rest of the channels.